- Here's what's up for grabs:
5 rolls of ribbon in fall colors - a bottle of orange Stickles
- a jar of brown Doodlebug Sugar Coating glitter
- a small bag of Aged Copper Hodgepodge Hardware
- a handful of yellow Primas
- So, what do you need to do to enter to win this awesome blog candy?
Just leave a comment on this post telling me what you love most about the fall season.
Link your blog to this blog post to earn an extra entry into the drawing.
All comments must be posted by midnight CDT on Sept. 9, 2008 to be eligible to win. I will draw a random winner and announce the results on Sept. 10.
Good luck!
Let' see - what do I love about fall. I love the crisp mornings, putting a blanket on the bed and sleeping with the windows open, getting out my turtlenecks. I love the trees changing color and the crunch of leaves underfoot. And I love that corn candy is back in the store.
Mary Ann
What do I love most about the fall season? This is absolutly my FAVORITE time of year. First and foremost because my 1st son Mitchell was born on October 8th. Second because my husband and I married in September and third because my husband and I celebrate our b-days in Oct and Nov. I love to see the leaves change color and fall to the ground. I love bonfires, cool nights, and the beautiful sun setting against the changing leaves. To me it is the most wonderful time of the year.
What I love most about Fall is the changing of the colors of the leaves. I love trees and wish we had this is Texas. I love all the fall smells.
Fall is my favorite season. The weather starts to change - a bit cooler in Texas. The trees shed their leaves. I love the colors of the leaves and fall flowers. I also like fall because of high school football games. And it puts me in the mood to bake!!!
Yum...love these colors here! Which just happens to be what I love about fall...although I do miss the maples back east!
Well..my favorite thing about FALL is Halloween, I love that holiday and I aslo love the changing of the colors on the leaves right before the fall off the trees!! The anticipation of Thanksgiving dinner is always something I look forward too especially with e HUGE family gathering :)
Hey there, the one thing I love about fall is seeng the changing of colors. Born and lived in sunny CA we did not have the true fall seasons. The different colors in the trees, cool evening sitting around a firepit and toasting marshmellows is the perfect fall evening for me.
I love that every year we go to the pumpkin patch. We take my son and have him pick out several pumpkins. We take a hay rack ride and visit the old fashioned candy store, of course! I love that the weather is finally cooler and the trees are turning beautiful shades of gold, orange and red! So pretty!
Halloween is also my favorite holiday ever! We always put a ton of decorations out. Last year, we had a 'boiling' cauldron and a grave yard. I make my son's costumes, which has also become a tradition. Tommy, who was 2 1/2 last year, went as a puppy dog. He was so cute that every door we went to, the people would squeal, "You're so cuuuuuute!"
So this year, I wanted to see if he remembered what we say when you knock on a door at Halloween, so I asked him. He says, "Trick or Treat. I'm soooooo cuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!" LMBO! Little stinker!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win some adorable blog candy. I don't have a blog, so I can't link. :(
I'm gonna post JUST because... I HATE Fall where I'm at because our Summers aren't long enough to burn off the Moss and Mold and it gets wet AGAIN and it's just Depressing... Now when I lived in Eastern Oregon the trees would change the smell of wood fire places was in the air and you KNEW it was close to Trick or Treating and Snow.... But here in Western Washington??? I HATE IT!!!!! :(
Me, me, me!:) I love fall. It is my favorite season. I love the changing colors, the crisp weather, and celebrating our wedding anniversary AND my birthday! Great blog Annie.
I love everything about Fall the colors, the smells, the cool crisp feel to the air! The changing of the leaves. I love everything about Fall hard to pick just one.
I love fall because I like it when I don't sweat to death on a run, and the freshness that is in the air. But most of all I love fall because we have some huge trees in our yard, and so we (we'll mainly me - but I try to get the kids and dh to help) rake leaves and then they jump in them and have the time of their lives! It is so fun to see the youngest pop their head out with such a joyful look on their faces.
oh and I love to sneak all the good candy from my kids - I'm such a good mom. :)
sorry I have no blog to link to. :(
OOH! I love those pretty fall colors! While I miss the warmth of the Summer, I also LOVE the smell of the crisp autumn air, going apple and pumpkin picking, and watching the leaves change. Besides that, it also marks the beginning of my holiday baking and decorating!
SCS ID: Urscrappymama
What I love about the autumn is the break in humidity, and being able to do outside activities comfortably. I also LOVE Hallowe'en!!
I love fall because the leaves all change colors, FOOTBALL SEASON and kids are back in school so my house stays somewhat clean.
What I love the most about the fall season would have to be Halloween. The ability to dress in costume without having to have a specific reason. Beyond that I the colors are beautiful and it marks the start of the holiday season. Hence Christmas is coming
There are so many things I love about Fall! To name a few:
football season
crock pot dinners
cooler weather
the beginning of school
colors of the trees
My birthday
the building excitement of the holidays
Great question and an awesome blog Annie!
Hello! I was peeking around SCS and found your blog...write under your name...hehe. :) I'm going to have to check it out regularly now that I found it and see what you've been up to.
I love fall because it is beautiful and crisp. I find the cool temperatures and colors very calming. It is my favorite time of year because outdoor activities are so enjoyable. It's the season of love for me and my DH. We met and married in the fall.
Mary Ann, I am with you on the candy corn. :) I only want a little bit, but I do enjoy it this time of year.
LEAVES! I love leaves!
What I love most about fall is seeing the leaves change and the weather get just the perfect chill. To me its the start of the holiday season. It signifies a great change. And this year I will especially love Halloween because my baby boy will get to walk around dressed as a monkey!!
It has be the colours of the leaves as they change. Plus the memory of taking my dog (Chloe - a long haired bearded Collie) for walks in the woods crunching the leaves underfoot. She usually took half of them home for me attached to her coat!!
Heather xx
Hi Ann!!! What do I like about Fall???? Absolutely NOTHING!!! LOL I am a spring/summer girl for sure!!! Fall represents the end of summer...so sad!!! I think I suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)...When summer ends, so does my good mood!!! LOL
Have a wonderful day!!!
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
- Helen Keller
Fall....I LOVE the colors! ALL of them! :) It reminds me of camping with my mom and dad. And collecting leaves. We used to iron them between wax paper - remember doing that? I now do this with my kiddos... :)
Fall? I love it when the air gets colder and you can start wearing jackets, scarves and boots! :) I love Fall fashion. Also, the changing color of the leaves is always beautiful. Fall's just beautiful! :) Thanks!
bunnybx at gmail . com
Ps: I just saw mary ann's comment about candy corn. So true.. YUMMY!!
bunnybx at gmail . com
There are so many things I LOVE about Fall! I love the sunny days with a nip in the air and the beautiful colors of the leaves. I love the smell of woodsmoke in the air. I love the cool nights and the fact that I can now wear all my favorite sweaters and sweatshirts! I could go on and on!
My favorite thing about the fall is the crisp air in the morning and the red, orange and yellow colors that magically appear in our lush green river valley. Love walking through the fallen leaves and watching the few hold outs on the trees wave in the wind and eventually fly off to join the rest.
the change of the weather, just PERFECT, not too hot and not too cold...YET! =)
I love the leaves changing color the most... and well it means my birthday is near! :) haha... I'll add you to the blog candy section on my blog :)
I love the cooler air and the changing of the leaves. Also, I love the holidays in the fall. My husband's birthday is in the fall.
I just wanted to say, "YEAH! Your first blog candy!"
I love the colors of fall. Greens, browns, reds, oranges... they're right up my alley. Coupled with the crisp weather and the return of my cozy turtleneck sweaters, fall is one of my favs. My blog? Why, of course:
OOOOO! I just love everything about fall! But i think most i love the smells! Fall Smells are the BEST!
BONUS - You won my blog candy! Please email me your snaily at makeupbykatie@yahoo.com
So many things to love about Fall -apple/pumpking picking. All the baking. Wearing a light jacket, crunching of leaves when you are walking, the chill in the air at night. I am sad though, because we just moved out of New England, so I will miss the changing colors of the leaves. Will have to scrap some instead!
The fall is my FAVORITE season as well. Halloween is my favorite Holiday, I am always over decorating & its my youngest Birthday in October. This year it doesnt feel like fall yet. We are still are having 95+ degree heat with no rain in site. I do love the changing colors of the trees. My family loves fall as well... its FOOTBALL SEASON!
Hello! Just bopped on over from Paper Makeup. My most favorite thing about fall is my birthday, which just happens to fall on the autumn equinox! Thanks for the chance! :)
The smell. I love how fallen leaves leave a musty scent on the air. I love wearing coats and running around outside with the kids. I love jumping into piles of leaves and watching kid's football games.
What's not to love?
Fall is my favorite season of all so there is ALOT that I love about fall. I love the smells, the colors, the cooler weather, family time....HALLOWEEN and THANKSGIVING!
I saw the link to your blog on Katie's blog and I anow have you bookmarked! Love your blog!
scrappymom19@yahoo.com :)
my favorite thing are the colors and I love Halloween.
I post the to your Candy link on my Blog, thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite thing about fall is the crisp, cool air!! Especially in Texas -- love it when things suddenly cool down outside down here!
I love the crisp air in the mornings and the smell of pumpkin spice. Mmmmmmmmm
I love your cards!! This is my first visit!! It may sound silly, but, one of my favorite things about fall is the smell!! Haha! Does that make sense? The air just smells AWESOME!! Thanks for your generous blog candy and I will come back and visit! Take care!!
I will post your blog candy offering on my blog: www.javablustamper.blogspot.com
I love this season. All of my children were born in the fall, so we have lots of birthdays. I love the leaves and the wonderful colors as well as the cooler temperatures and lack of humidity, camping with my scouts and sitting around a campfire.
love carving pumpkins with my kids...it always seems like a "chore" at first, but the fun we have together and the result is always fantastic!!!
Hi Ann, great candy. Thanks for the chance to win this.
I love the colours of the fall leavs.
Hugs, Andrea
Lovely jubbly candy. I love to hear the rustling of the leaves when they have fallen.Fantastic candy. Post and link is on my jubbly list.
Okay...well Texas(where I live) we do not "see" much of a change. But..Fall is my favorite holiday. I love the colors, I love the feel of it being different, I love the holidays, and FOOTBALL. (high school, and college)
I love the feeling you get when the weather changes from summer to fall... everyone bundles up and buckles down into work and preparation for the holidays. I guess I like the quiet kind of crazy fall brings :0)
Thanks for the op to win some really YUMMY blog candy... I am such a ribbon FREAK!
Char in So Cal
I love fall! I love needing a lite jacket at night, chili and soup time and most of all the beautiful colors.
What's not to love about fall?! The colors are great, the holidays are fun, harvest time is so nice, fall festivals are fun, the weather is cooler... Fall Rocks! :)
Fall ROCKS! It's my favorite season...Love the weather and the colors and have a blast dressing up my dd for Halloween...thanks for the chance to wind the blog candy!!
My favorite thing about fall is the cool weather, and the changing leaves. I love going to the pumpkin patch with my husband and daughter, and to pick apples in the orchard. And of course, it's football season!
My husband and I are Novermeber babies, my daughter is a late September baby, and we were married in October. So everything about fall is wonderful to me!
I love the Falling leaves with his wonderful Colors and the cold weather with sunshine.......
Thanks for the chance to win.....
Thanks for the chance at winning the blog candy :)
My favourite thing about fall are crunchy orange leaves, the fact that it can still be relatively bright but not as glary and hot as in summer, and the fact thast I can start to wrap up in snuggly warm layered clothes.
You can see my post about your blog candy here, and there's a link in the blog candy roll as well. Good luck to everyone!
Susan :)
Oh my goodness, how did I miss this wonderful blog candy! So pretty and fallish! I love pumpkin everything the best about fall...like pumpkin lattes @ Starbucks, pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpking bagels & cream cheese at Einstein's, etc...pumpkin everything!
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