Today I wanted to show you an easy, inexpensive, & personalized gift.

large wooden letter (I got mine at Hobby Lobby with a 40% off coupon)
pictures printed off your computer (I used regular printer paper)
acrylic paint
Mod Podge glue (I used matte finish)
brush (I prefer the foam ones--cheap, easy to clean, & best of all, no brush strokes!)
1. Paint your letter with the acrylic paint. Let dry.
2. Trim pictures & decide on their placement BEFORE you begin using the Mod Podge.
3. Put a thin layer of Mod Podge on the letter & on the back of the picture. Glue picture down on letter.
4. Use a brayer to gently roll over each picture, making sure any air bubbles get removed.
5. When the pictures are dry, apply a thick layer of Mod Podge over the entire letter. And don't worry--Mod Podge dries completely clear!
That's it! In total, I spent less than $10 & about an hour of my time creating it. I gave it to my niece for her 14th birthday yesterday, and she LOVED it!
Hope you like it, too!
I bet she loved it...awesome giftie Ann!
Ann this is such a wonderful gift!!! :)
What a great idea, Ann.
Okai I am so going to steal this idea!!! Thank you lol ^_^
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