Here's me in front of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London...

And a photo taken from his backyard in Stratford.
Hubby and I experienced so many awesome things along the way...truly a once-in-a-lifetime vacation!
So, needless to say, my Google reader is now overflowing...and I have no craftiness of my own to share...BUT I will be creating and visiting you all again soon!
Oh, and while I was away, I reached a milestone...my two-year blogoversary! So, I'll be doing some special things to celebrate in the next few days.
Stay tuned!
wow Ann, that is amazing, gosh, I want to go there too! Looks like you had a lot of fun! Hopefully there are more pics to share, hehe!
Wow, that's awesome! Happy blogoversary!
Wow, that sounds amazing! I am green with envy! Would love to see more photos! Happy Blogaversary!
shanna :)
C'mon then, 'fess up, how many magnums and bottles of Magners did you scoff?!?!?
So gutted we didn't get to meet - my Dad's timing pretty much sucked but who knows, I may be your side of the pond one day!
HUGE congrats on the Blogoversary too! Here's to many more years!
So pleased you enjoyed your holiday in England and Scotland - we have some lovely scenery and locations here.
Stratford on Avon is lovely - I have been there a few times, but believe it or not although I live in England I have never seen the Globe Theatre! Shame on me.
Awesome photos! Happy blogoversary!
Sounds like a wonderful vacation!
I live in London and i've never been to shakespeare globe! I can see you had a nice vacation. It would have been great to see you!
Happy Blogoversary!
Hugs xx
WOW! How fun!
(-: Heidi
So glad you had such a good trip Ann! And congratulations on your blogoversary too!! Hugs Kate x
What an experience! That sounds like the trip of a LIFE TIME! So happy that you and your dear hubs got to have a WONDERFUL vacation - WAHOOO! Congrats!
what an absolute dream! Sigh... so many beautiful places to go and so very little time! But I am so glad your trip went so well! Congrats on your blogiversary too!
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