Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blogoversary Blowout!

Today marks my one-year blogoversary, and what birthday would be complete without some gifts? And if you know me at all, you know that those gifts are for YOU!

At first, I thought about giving away some stamps...

Although some of you might want to win paper...

OR maybe even some Thickers?

But, then, others might want flowers, ribbon, rub-ons, or even bling.

Oh, what the heck, how about I give away the whole darn thing?!

This blog candy is worth over $100. You know you wanna win it!

To get one entry in this giveaway, leave a comment on THIS POST.

To get a second entry, blog about this giveaway, then come back and leave a SEPARATE comment with the link to your blog post.

You have until midnight CDT on Tues., July 7th to enter. Good luck!


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Cindy Lee said...

Congrats on your blogversary, Ann!!! Wow...those blog candy sure look yummy!! I'm eyeing those chroceted flowers..hehe :)

Tanya said...

Oh, Ann!Congratulation!!!!
Your candy look veryyyy Big and verryyy sweet!! Thank you for the chance to win!

Brooke S said...

Congrats Ann.... What a great year you have had... so glad to have meet you thought the blog world out there...

Kelley Eubanks said...

Wow.... what a great giveaway!! I want it!! Ha! :-) You are up late... I was surprised to see you had commented on my card that just posted!! I am always up late... I really should sleep more! :-) Happy Blogoversary!!

Lyn S said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary Ann! I look forward to many more of your creations in the years to come.

Tethered2Home said...

Happy one-year blogoversary. What a fun year and a fun start to the summer.

Cheryl Walker said...

Happy Blogversary!!!!

I LOVE all your blog candy, how very sweet hun!!! Thank you for the chance to win:)


Swengali said...

You have a sweet candy again ;)
Thanks for yhe chance to win!!!

Tasha said...

Hey Ann, congrats on your bloggerversary and what a fantastic pize - how generous of you!
love tasha xx

mub said...

Holy moley, what a great giveaway! Congrats on your blogoversary =D

Tasha said...

Hey Ann here is the link to my post about your blog candy - thanks agin for the opportunity

Here is my post

love tasha xx

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! Congratulations to you! What's a candy!

Anonymous said...

A very hearty congratulations on your one year mark!! That is excellent--you have a terrific blog! Amazing candy, too!

Unknown said...

Hi Ann, congrats on your Blogoversary and thanks for such a fab giveaway, I've posted about it on my blog here .

All the best

Jan x

Unknown said...

Oops just realised I need to leave two comments as I've posted about your candy on my blog, so this is my "comment" comment!

Thanks again

Jan x

Anonymous said...

Blogged it!

Looks amazing! Added you to my GReader.

StampinCathy said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! I've really been enjoying your creative and inspiring MOJO! WOW!! Now this is some sweeeeeeeet celebration candy you are sharing with your readers. You are going to make one stamper very happy with this shows up in their mailbox....and I hope it's ME ME ME! Thanks for a chance.

~*Joni said...

Holy blog candy giveaway Annie! Talk about eye candy for us all on this Wednesday morning. :D I will happily leave a link in my sidebar, be prepared to be bombarded my friend!!

Shellys Crafts said...

Congrats!!!!! I love your blog. Thank you for sharing all of your ideas..Here's to many more years ahead.

crafty amy said...

Oh my gosh I have just found your blog this is a serious amount of candy! Thank you so much for the chance to win and your blog is incredibleI have also signed up to follow you.

X Amy X

crafty amy said...

And this is my second post as I have put it on my blog Here is my post

X Amy X

Наташа Бумага-Марака said...

your candy on my blog's sidebar)))

mckinkle said...

Well Done Ann on your 1st blogiversary! Youve got some beautiful cards. Good luck everyone! Thanks Ann for the chance to win your amazing candy!
Keryn :D

mckinkle said...

Ann, Ive blogged your candy on my blog
Thanks again for the chamce to win!
Keryn :D

Sparkly Pink Star said...

Wow! How very generous of you! Thank you. Happy Blogbirthday!!

shelly said...

congrats~aversary ann :) youre very generous :) xx shelly

Ann Kranitz said...

Wow Ann. Congratulations on your Anniversary!! I will post about your candy on my blog later today!!

shelly said...

having trouble with blogging again ann...grr.. just in case my 1st link didnt go thru.. the link to my blog is HERE

Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

Congrats on your blog-aversary! You are sweet to give away blog candy.

Victoria said...

That's some serious blog candy Ann! Wow!

Will defo pop a link to your blog and candy on mine. I love your blog, glad your candy led me to it!


Victoria said...

Hi Ann

here's my second comment with link to your candy on my blog!

Thansk for the chance and the extra one to win!

my blog


AUsome mom said...

WOW! One year already?! Girl you are so inspiring to all of us and I'm so glad to have a cool blogging buddy :) Congrats on your anniversary and thanks for the chance at the totally 'ausome' candy!!!

Cindy H. said...

Congrats on your blogaversary. Fabulous giveaway!
Thanks for being so generous.

Fresh Start Academy said...

Congrats and Happy Blogoversary

How exciting !! for you ... and us..
I would love to win some blog candy
who wouldn't
your blog inspires creativity and I thank you for that

Bananastamper said...

Hi Ann,

Happy Blogaversary! What sweet candy you are giving away! I'm Canadian, so I have to wish you Happy Canada Day too! :)


liszha said...

Congratulations on your blogversary.
Absolutely fabulous blogcandy.
I wish you lots of more scrapblogyears.

Cassie said...

Congratulations, Ann! This is fantastic blog candy, WOW, girl you are generous!!

Rachel Liberty Photography said...

Congratulations on your blogoversery! This blog candy is fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win!

KatieTurtle said...

Wowza! What a great blog candy stash to celebrate! Would love to win!

paige said...

Happy Blogoversary! Your blog is a terrific place to visit!

dawnmercedes said...

Congrats on the big day!!

Penni said...

Wow - congrats on your Blogaversary. What amazing blog candy you have.

Thanks for the chance to win.


Marnie said...

Congrats on yoru Blogoversary! Love the cards you create they are inspiring!!!

SVIT said...

Such a great candy! I really like to be a lucky one! Thank you for the chance!

Darla said...

Happy blogoversary!!! Thanks for the chance at the blogoversary gift!!! :)

Brandi said...

Congratulations! What wonderful blog candy! I think you thought of all most everything!



SVIT said...

My second entry) I have linked your candy to my blog: on the second side board on th left. Congrats on your bloraversary!

Darla said...

Well.. just posted about it on my blog since I have to get every opportunity to win this one!!

Love your blog!!!
here's the link to the post on my blog... hopefully the link works...

Cindy Haffner said...

Congrats!! Wow that is alot of candy!!!

~amy~ said... ISPY thickers...a girl can never have too many of them or the flairs...or ribbon or bling...dang sista...that is some candy you gotz going there :)

It's Jenn! said...

How incredibly generous! I love it all!!! Haha! What awesome blog candy!

~amy~ said...

Okay you go:

blog candy post

I can't believe that it has only been 1 year...thank goodness you started your most fab blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ann.
A superb blog candy. Thank you for the chance to win it.
Hugs xx

beautifulground said...



Vicki G said...

COngratulations on your Bloggaversary! How exciting!


bsgstamps4fun: Barb Gault said...

Wow, Ann, you are too generous! Sure would enjoy winning all of this fabulous candy! Will post it on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann again! :)
I've done a post and a link for your yummy candy, you can find it
Hugs xx

Christy said...

Congrats! What an awesome give away!
ccgirlie3 at yahoo dot com

Chrisd said...

What delicious Blog Treats! Congrats on you Blogversary!
Two of my favorite cards on your blog are "Good Friend" and "Oh My Galoshes"
Hugs from Michigan

TJ Eich said...

Sweet giveaway! Hope I win. :)


JenMarie said...

WOWzers! Happy Blogaversary to YOU! :)

Cassie said...

Congrats on your blogaversary!! I always enjoy seeing your creations! Thanks for sharing them!

Such a sweet treat --- you're a dear to offer it all up! I'll cross my fingers for sure!! *grins*


torinem said...

Congrats! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


debra said...

wow congrats on your blogoversary Ann Nice candy you have to.
hugs Debra

Maz said...

Congratulation on your Anniversary, you are very Kind to offer such great blog candy, fingers and toes crossed that I win it now!
Off to leave a comment on my blog for all to see.
Thanks for the chance to win

maiahs_momma said...

Congrats Ann, on your Blogaversary :)! Can't wait to see what else you create throughout the year :)!
I also posted about your blog candy on my blog:

Inky Hugs,

Maz said...

I have added a post to my blog about your great blog candy Here

Jacilynn said...

Happy Blogaversary! Heck ya, I'd love to win this sweet load of goodies. Thanks for offerin it up!

Jacilynn said...

I've linked your candy Here

Thanks a bunch!

My Serendipity said...

Congratulations! Love your blog! Thank you for the opportunity to win the awesome candy..boy if I could be so lucky for a Thank you for sharing :)

Juanita said...

Wow, that is a huge haul! Of course I want in on it.
You have a great blog and I enjoying coming here for your fresh style.

Lynn McAuley said...

Congratulations on completing your first year in cyberspace!! What a fabulous array of blog candy!!!

Steph said...

Oooo congratulations Ann and what gorgeous anniversary gifts. Thank you for the chance to win xxx

Steph said...

This is my second post with the link to my blog advertising your candy:
All the very best for another fantastic year x

Jenn said...

Look at all that yummy stuff, happy blogaversary!

Anita said...

Happy Blogoversary! What yummy candy!

Heather said...

Congrats on your special day and thanks for the amazing giveaway!


DJ said...

Congrats to you ! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Steph Zerbe said...

Holy moly girl!
You are crazy and I love it.
And ohh, I need to check out your little corner of heaven post.
Your blog is too fun!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ann on your first anniverary, what an amazing Blog Candy too, you're very kind. Sue C

Steph Zerbe said...

I said it before, I'll say it again.
You are crazy girl!
We are all drooling over the goodies. How can you give it all away?

I gave you a shout out

Crazy, just crazy!

Piali said...

Congrats Ann.Super yummy candy.thanks for the chance. I am off to link your candy to my blog. Today I am giving out candy too.

Teri said...

Happy Blog Anniversary Ann! Thank you for the chance to win this yummy candy :)


Moni said...

Waw so fab candy, love to win it! Hugs, moni

Anonymous said...

Great big congrats and a Happy Blogaversary to you!

(-: Heidi

Moni said...

I linked you here:
Hugs, moni

Malwina said...

Hello! Congratulations to you!Thank you for the chance to win !!!

Jenny V. said...

Happy blogoversary Ann! And many more to come. Thanks for the chance to win. Have a great day!


Malwina said...

My blog:

Jenny V. said...

I have post it on my blog. Once again congrats Ann.


AUsome mom said...

Well, it took me a little while (since I'm at work), but I got your blogoversary posted. Here's my link:
Thanks again for the chance to win!!

Karen said...

WOW ! Stunning candy thankyou for your generosity. Wish me luck !

Gorjus blog Ann, stunning work.

Love Karen xxx

Karen said...

my link is here to your candy.

Love Karen x

gocanucksgo said...

Happy blogaversary Ann! You're such a sweetheart for offering all this candy! Keep up the amazing work and thanks =)

Kim said...

Happy Anniversary! Lot's of fun stuff in your giveaway! I hope I get it!!!

Marlo said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary, Ann! Wow, what awesome candy. Thank you for the chance the win.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Blogiversary!!!! I'm digging your blog candy! Thanks for a chance to win!!!

Tamara Dawn said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary!!

Great giveaway :) My creative side has been itching to come out and this would be a perfect motivator for me!

Briann said...

What a great giveaway! I hope i win!

LeAnne said...

Holy batman! This is awesome! Happy blogaversary, Ann, and thanks for the chance to win some awesome stuff!

Annelies said...

Happy Blogoversary! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win such amazing candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

LeAnne said...

Okay, I linked on my blog too. Here ya go:

Andrea said...

What a fabulous prize pack! Happy Blogoversary!!

Sue said...

i was just showing my 6 & 8 year old girls some card-making tricks last night...we'd have fun with these goodies!

Gretchen F. said...

Congratulations Ann!!! You know how to offer great candy!! Thanks for the chance to win and the creations you post!

Becky said...

Congratulations!! It has been a creative year for you, your work is fabulous. And this is some fab candy.

Becky said...

My second entry :)

Telisha said...

Thanks so much for the chance.

Susan said...

totally fab blog~o~versary candy, Ann! I mean who wouldn't want to win!!! Off to make a link to your blog..I'll be back

Sue said...

Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. . .the candy is awesome! I'm new to your site and I have no blog, so there is only one entry from me. I'm anxious to look around and see what you've created.

Unknown said...

Congratu;atopm on your blogversary.
I like the way you pick out goodies for some lucky someone. I don't have a blog but I will tell everyone I know.
Sharon L

carpediem said...

Congrats on your one year blog anniversary!! Thanks for offering the chance to win your generous blog candy!! laura j

Susan said...

Here's my linkola, Ann! Have a great week

Jean Fitch from jlfstudio said...

Wowza Ann! Talk about a party in a box!! Congratulations on the blogoversary! Looking forward to enjoying another year (hopefully more wink wink)of inspiration and creativity.

Thanks for planning the party and bringing the gifts. - Jean

Crystal said...

WOW!!!! I would LOVE to win this! How fun! Happy Birthday!!!!

Janice Webb said...

Bring on the blog candy!!

Audrey said...

What a sweet opportunity! Congrats on the blog-versary!

Kay said...

Oh my goodness, Ann! You really know how to give away some blog candy. These are such wonderful goodies!!

Congratulations on your blog anniversary. How FUN!!!
♥♥ Kay

Shawn Marie O'Connell said...

Mother of GOD! This sure is a boatload of blog candy!! Congrats on the the blogoversary! Thanx for the chance to win. ;o)

Shawn Marie O'Connell said...

I did it ...posted a link on my blog.... I wanna win, I wanna win!!!!! Woohoo!!

sandie carter said...

I forgot to leave my contact details-


Charlotte Styer said...

Not sure why I was "anonymous"!
Char Styer aka:

Anonymous said...

Hello Ann,

Congratulations and keep posting & sharing with us your creativity and all your work.

Hope to win all those candies...

as it is dificult for me to get those products in my country...

Have a great day......


Susan (peebsmama) said...

Congratulations Ann on a year of blogging. I know I certainly enjoy visiting your blog everday. You have really got me hooked on CAS cards. Great candy! You're so generous!

Gina F said...

Congrats!!, Candy looks super yummy!!Thanks for sharing....gina F

Forgetfulone said...

Wow! What an awesome giveaway. Here's my first entry. Gotta go post to get my second.

Forgetfulone said...

Yay! I blogged about your giveaway. Here's my post:

Miss Boo (a.k.a. jen70) said...

Wow! What a generous blog candy! 127 comments. Looks like your blog is very popular today! :)

Caryl P said...

Wowzer! This is some sweet candy. Happy blogaversary!!!

Laurel Beard said...

Groovy!! How generous! Love it all! :)

Laurel Beard said...

Woo hoo! I posted info about your giveaway on my blog.! Thanks...

Unknown said...

amazing blog candy! love it!

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

congratulations on your blogaversary! My birthday is the 6th so pick me! It would be an AWESOME bd gift. Ü

Alexandra said...

wow!!! thanks!! I love that paper!!!

Rachel Hope said...

WOW...that is a whole lot of yummy candy!!!

Happy Blogoversary (or however you spell that LOL)

B said...

Happy blogoversary! :)

Allison Rankin said...

Jeebus...I am late to the game! My birthday's on the 7th (hint, hint)!

Bonita Rose said...

lovely.. i'd love to win all this!

Vina said...

Congrats to your blogoversary Ann!! Thanks for a chance to win this giveaway!

Cass said...

Wow! What amazing blog candy! I just found your blog via LeAnne's and I'm looking forward to having a look around. :)

The Thompson Family said...

Happy blogaversery. Thanks for the giveaway.

Loz said...

Happy Birthday! Scruptious Candy on offer!!

Shelby said...

this is generous and wonderful candy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!! What wonderful blog candy! Someone will be a very happy winner to be sure! Thank you for sharing -- it is so generous of you and I am sure others will want to do similar acts of kindness to others!
~Amy S.~

Loz said...

Me again, I just listed your Candy on my blog:

Wishing you many more years of happy blogging!

xiumaiyuki said...

Congrats, Ann! I'm so happy I found your blog.

Stacey Schafer said...

Wowzers! What an offer! Congrats on your ONE YEAR BLOGOVERSARY, Anne:)

Linda said...

YEAH!!! what a pkg of goodies......... looks mighty delish! Thanks for the awesome blog candy, hope I win.

cybertrickz said...

i love it.. the way georgeous candy melt in to my mouth.. ^_^

Elena said...

Congratulations on the Bloggaversary, Ann! Fantastic blog candy! Thank you so much for doing it!

Lisa B. said...

Congrats on your one year blog anniversary!! What a generous giveaway!!

Thanks for the chance!!

Lisa B.

Nancy L. said...

Happy Blogaversary!
Thanks so much for a chance to win some very AWESOME candy!!

Connie said...

Happy Blogversary!! Whoever wins the candy will be so happy, sure hope it's me. I'll share with all my Zaney girlz.

dasimonds said...

Hi Ann...
"Congrats" on 1 yr. Blogoversary!!
WOW..such Fantastic..and Very
Generous Gifts.."I'm Drooling"
I do not have a Blog yet...but
enjoy Blog-hopping and so inspired
by ALL the Talent!! I hopped over
here from LeAnne's(Wee Inklings)
...adding you to my favorites!
Thanks for a chance to Win!!

Michelle said...

Happy Blogaversary!!!! SO generous of you to offer this fabulous blog candy...thanks so much for the chance to win!

Janice Webb said...

Happy 1yr blog anniversary!

OK---your blog candy alert has been posted on my blog:

Patti J. said...

Happy Blogoversary! Your blog is wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win these amazing prizes - you are too generous!

Annette Pagnusat said...

OMG, congratulations and how nice of you to offer such wonderful candy!! Keep inspiring us!

Julie said...

Congratulations! Your cards are always wonderful! The blog candy you are giving away is fabulous.

Unknown said...

Congrats! will link you on my Candy Bowl

The Hovey Hut

Anonymous said...

One year, good for you. I wonder how long I have been viewing all the blogs I can find. I appreciate your talent. Go for another year. Judy OR

{PurpleD} said...

Hi Ann,

I wanted to stop by and say Hi. Congrats on your blogoversary. Many more to come! :-)

Janet S said...

1 year, oh my, how quickly that flies by. I laughed how you have sugar addict listed under your profile, aren't we all! Thanks for the give away.

Laurie said...

Well, congratulations on your blogaversary! What a great giveaway! I enjoy your blog and I wish another great year!

Cassie_lu said...

wow is all i can say about your goodies.

Susan Raihala said...

Holy Cannoli! That's a huge piece of candy, LOL! What a sweetie you are!

Dot G said...

Thanks!!! Those things are sooo cute!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Blog day to you! :)
I don't guess since you love me so much that gives me a better chance to win ??? :)
Your blog Bithday gift is headed your way in the next few days!
I hope you had one of you favorites today to celbrate! A CUP CAKE!!!! :)

Stephanie Feltus said...

WOW Look at all of these yummy goodies!! Happy Blogoversary!!!

Sue from Oregon said...

Wow, I think you shop like me! Tons of fun stuff in your blog gifts...congrats on your blogoversary!

Tessa S said...

Thanks!!!! Love all your projects!! :)


Kristy G said...

Wow!! Happy blog anniversary!! You are sooo nice!!!

Michelle said...

congrads ann! you alerady know that i love your blog.. and now im loving your wonderful candy too!

ill brb after i post a link on my bog..

Michelle said...

okey dokey.. ann..your up and posted on my CANDY list on ym blogs sidebar!

~Chris~ said...

Congrats on your Blog-aversary...
Your Blog is great!

~Chris~ said...

You can find my Post here...
Thanks for the chance to win...

Judy H. said...

I love that word - blog-aversary! Wow! What a grand giveaway! Keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks for offering this!

Judy H.

Valerie said...

Happy Blogversary, Ann! Wow, we love all these goodies, don't we all? :) Thanks for sharing them.

lovetoteachK said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! Thanks for the chance to win some great stuff!

Welcome! said...

Wow - too good to be true!!! Awesome candy! Thanks for the chance!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy happy blogaversary and congratulations on building up such a beautiful blog, Ann!!! Your creative candy looks yummy!! Best of luck to everyone!

Ella said...

Wow, it looks like everyone has heard about this! Congrats on the Anniversary!

mamia (me and mine in Alabama) said...

Congrats on the blogerversay! Awesome blog candy!

Melinda's World said...

Congrats on your Blogerversay! I love discovering new blogs.

LolliLately said...

Although I am an avid blog stalker, yours is the only one I have bookmarked. You are an inspiration!

Emily said...

Wowser Ann! That's some candy! Thanks for the chance to win it. Happy Bloggerversary!

Elaine M said...

Congrats on your Bloggerversary!!!
I can't believe all the goodies in your blog candy basket - WOW. Thanks for the opportunity to win. May your next year be even better than the last!
Elaine Moore -

Tanya said...

Oh, Ann!!!!
Your candy soooo FANTASTIC!!!Beautiful stamps set!
Linked on my sidebar. Welcome to my blog. Thank you, tanks and CONGRATULATION!!!!!

berta / Татьяна Берсенева said...

Congrats Ann!
Happy blogoversary!!!
Thank you for the chance to win!

Lauren said...

Oh man! Your giveaway is SO MUCH! Fingers crossed! Conrgats on a whole year!

yael said...

wow - so generous of you!!!
happy blogaversary and here's to many many more happy and productive


Anthonette said...

Happy Blogoversary, Ann! I always look forward to seeing your CAS creations. Thanks for a chance to win!

Jeannie said...

I'm so happy for you Ann!
I am your 195th comment - oy!!
You have an awesome blog and great creations that I enjoy seeing.

Peace and Luv,

Maureen P said...

happy blogiversary!! I found via Dawn's's my 2nd wedding anniversary on the 7th...this would be a great gift!! Don't have a blog yet, so I won't be able to link it :( I think I'll have to get going on one :)

Deb K said...

Congratulations on your blogoversery!May you have many more!!

Please enter me in this super giveaway :)

Nicole A. said...

Congrats on your blogoversery! What an Awesome giveaway!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Joke said...

Time flies when you are blogging, congrats with your first year.
I love your work and your blog. See you!
Oh, by the way, what a great giveaway!

Nikki said...

Congrats on your anniversary
and thanks for a chance to win your tasty treats :)
Nikki C

Nikki said...

I've also left a link in my side bar for you giveaway
Nikki C

Sparkle and Flourish said...

Amazing blog candy...thanks for the chance to win!! Love love love the papers..but hey it all looks fabulous!! Hugs Judy xx

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